Nine9 Cutting Tools’ high quality product has attracted direct orders from international manufacturers such as MAKINO.

Nine9 Cutting Tools hope to become the No.1 in the industry (For more details, please refer to “Automation Special Edition, Page 2” on 2005.02.16, Economic Daily News)

Tim Chang, the head of Nine9 Cutting Tools, who started his business by developing and producing indexable special tools, has made Nine9’s special tools obtain direct purchases from major international manufacturers such as MAKINO with his “first in line” business philosophy and his efforts in product development and marketing.

Tim Chang pointed out that different industries use their own cutting tools for processing. If we can achieve the top in individual fields, we can be the No.1 in the industry and have the best chance to win in the industry. Since each company specializes in a different field, whether it is an indexable tool or a tungsten tool, whether it has innovative features and shapes is the most important key.

In the past, the domestic cutting tool industry generally took the route of copying the existing specification products in the market, without understanding the different needs of each customer, resulting in the lack of differentiation of each cutting tool industry, and eventually returned to the old way of comparing cheaper prices. A few years ago, ISCAR was still an obscure and small factory, but the company was very dedicated to developing exclusive and required special tools for each customer in different industries. In the end, ISCAR has the overall market in hand.

Tim Chang said, in fact, most of the materials, production machinery and equipment of domestic tungsten steel tools or indexable tools come from foreign countries, if we just compare the production price alone, we are definitely not the rival of those exporting countries.
Taiwan tool manufacturers need to focus on innovation and research and development, just talking about it is not possible to succeed, the most basic must still be from the customer response to improve the knowledge, because when we encounter problems, we will start to think of ways to solve the problem, after finding a solution, our ability to be able to improve, rather than just hire some personnel sitting in the research laboratory to copy can have innovation. The more problems we encounter, the more problems we overcome, the more solid innovation we can have.

Last year (93) in Japan’s machinery exhibition, it can be found that Japan’s tool machines have developed towards turning and milling machines, and cutting tool manufacturers have also developed the “Do in One” functional composite tool, drilling, milling, chamfering and other actions by the same tool, replacing the past three or four tools to do the situation, such a model with the newly developed machine, it is worth the domestic industry’s attention. The spirit of Japan’s innovative research and development is to improve efficiency, composite organization, and the overall effectiveness of the tool to do the best play, rather than only emphasizing the reduction of the limited cost of consumables, the user has a more comprehensive help.

In addition, Tim Chang believes that the cutting tool industry should go deeper to understand the real needs of customers, to change the previous concept of only producing standardized tools to provide customers, to provide the processing industry with solutions from beginning to end, to participate deeply in the discussion of the program and improve the processing process, efficiency, this move will not only make customers more sure of their services and their own strength, but also enhance business opportunities and ranking, and maintain a closer relationship with customers.

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