Insomnia, poor blood circulation? Body structure resources rearrange, rethink blanket covering

We are faced with many pressures in life, resulting in sleepless nights. We may turn to sleeping pills to assist with sleep, but before adequate sleep is achieved, it’s already dawn. An air conditioner and blanket may make us comfortable, but in this common sleeping arrangement, the head is too cold and the body is too warm, causing our bodies to respond undesirably. The capillaries in the head begin to shrink because of the cold environment and gradually a headache may form.

The head is the organ that consumes the most oxygen (Brain cells account for 2% of body weight and 20% of whole body oxygen consumption). The neck is a bottleneck from the head to our remaining body parts. Keep your head warm by wrapping it with a scarf to reduce shrinking of the head’s capillaries, reduce sound interference, and reduce light reception.

The feet, the farthest part of the body, depend on the “second heart”, the calves, to pump blood back to the heart. Covering the legs with a blanket warms up the calves and allows for better blood circulation. The ancients would use hot water for foot baths to achieve a blood-warming effect. Covering the legs with a blanket to warm them up is another dry method of foot bath, allowing blood circulation to be smoother.

The abdomen is the place where the most fat accumulates in the body. When the abdomen’s temperature is too high, it will not burn fat. Lowering the abdomen’s temperature will induce it to begin burning fat. By exposing the abdomen throughout the night, we can reduce its core temperature. Lowering the core temperature is the best way for human beings to follow the nature to work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

This method of leave our core uncovered is a breakthrough in the history of human sleeping setup, which mainly focuses on the balance of body temperature and the structural balance of the body, which is the source of the way of health and wellness. Wrap your head and neck with a scarf to increase their temperature and cover your feet and legs with a blanket to increase the strength of your “second heart”. Leave your core uncovered to lower your core temperature.

This nightly setup helps to sweat, balance body temperature and increases healthy blood circulation without the need for air conditioning.

Insomnia, can't sleep? Body structure resources rearrange, rethink blanket covering

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