Nine9 Cutting Tools Insert Type Endmill Cutter 耐久切削工具捨棄式銑刀頭

Scharmann ECOFORCE in the highest configuration level

Triangular Plunge Drill Bits, Unconstrained 3D Aluminum Cutting Performance

Nine9 毛邊輪銑牙刀,直徑、牙距改變,隨心所欲(近零耗材)

外螺牙、內螺牙微細加工,隨心所欲 (近零耗材)

Nine9 Large Face Milling Cutter 大面積捨棄式銑刀

Nine9 Aluminum Milling Cutter 高速捨棄式銑刀

Nine9 16 cutting edge insert milling cutter

One cutting tool mill different patterns and step holes

Milling a mold profile getting draft angle at same time by Nine9 V045 insert, grooving, milling

Brother S500X2 高速鑽孔攻牙中心機,使用耐久公司NC電腦打洞刀,一次加工完成60mm大孔徑,搭配毛邊輪高速完成修毛邊

Short shank with 90 degree cutting insert type deburring wheel, high-speed side V groove milling

ER16/ERgo collet milling cutter, one-piece molding, amazing material removal performance.

刀片式T槽銑刀:結構剛性強, 切削能力優異,排除切屑順暢 (低碳製造 近零耗材)

One tool holder completes the processing of the pillow block bearing

Listen to the Vibration Resistance of Tungsten Carbide Adapters

捨棄式去毛邊輪:最小去毛邊孔徑 Ø5.0 ~ Ø10mm,進給速度增加,性能優化、節省庫存、縮短加工時間。
