不鏽鋼鑽孔,不再纏屑;自動化加工,不再停機! Drill Stainless Steel Without Chips Wrapping, Ideal For Automation Production


不鏽鋼鑽孔,不再纏屑;自動化加工,不再停機! Nine9 Cutting Tools

不鏽鋼孔加工,不再纏屑;自動化加工,不再停機! Drill Stainless Steel Without Swarf Wrapping,Ideal For Automation Production

Difference Between Nine9 NC Helix Drill And Other Drills? No Swarf Wrapping In Hole-Making Process!

Edinburgh University invest in Nine9 Helix Drill – Engineering News from MTDCNC

Nine9 打洞刀(多功能刀片式除料刀具)使用重點:斜向加工,軟性材料纏屑不再!

Replace your end mill by Nine9 NC Helix Drill, make impossible became possible

Application example of Nine9 NC Helix Drill_Helical Interpolation

How to machining multi-stepped hole in AL6061T6 by one Nine9 NC Helix Drill

Just one tool can cut holes from 20 to 30mm dia by Nine9 NC Helix Drill interpolation cutter

One NC Helix Drill to machining TiAl6V4, Inconel 718, AL6061T6, SUS304 and SAE8620

Machining Inclined Hole and Step Hole on Rounded surfaces by NC Helix Drill, Material: Aluminum

Nine9 Helix drill makes the chips short and small, and easier to evacuate

Nine9 NC Helix Drill Excellent swarfs control for modern automation

How to avoid cutting load and scratch happen on workpiece

presentation of Nine9 NC Helix Drill- a problem solver of hole-making

Nine9 NC Helix Drill_Helical Interpolation

One tool for step hole in Aluminum 6061-T6 by Nine9 Helix Drill

One Nine9 NC Helix Drill performs multiple patterns

One NC Helix Drill to cut SAE8620, SUS304, AL6061T6, TiAl6V4 and Inconel 718

The formation of chip in slow motion by Nine9 NC Helix Drill

How to solve your chip problem? NC Helix Drill can evacuate the chip easily.

Nine9 NC Helix Drill 加工動画

Nine9 NC ヘリックスドリル

Nine9 NC Helix Drill

Replace your end mill by Nine9 NC Helix Drill, make impossible became possible

Пример аппликаций для Nine9 NC Helix Drill винтовая интерполяция

HELIX DRILL все операции и материалы обрабатываем одним инструментом HELIX DRILL

Обработка наклонных и ступенчатых отверстий с помощью сверла NC Helix

Small Machining Center Do Large Hole Drilling? NC Helix Drill Process 60mm Diameter Hole in One Go


Ø36mm NC Helix Drill making Ø60mm hole by Fanuc Tapping Center, BT30

Ø36mm NC Helix Drill machining Ø60mm hole by BT30 Tapping Center

NCヘリックスドリル(Nine9 ヘリカル加工専用ドリル)ならロボドリルでもΦ60の穴あけが可能!

アニメde紹介 NCヘリックスドリル Nine9 アニメde紹介シリーズ


NCヘリックスドリル VS ソリッドドリル【切りくず状態と加工音比較】